Saturday, December 29, 2012

Return to Life. Sort of.

Hi there, world... remember me?  After dropping off the face of the planet for the past several months, I decided it was high time I re-visit my little corner of the internet.  Clinics have kept me incredibly busy, as have the holidays, but I truly miss fashion blogging!

To get back into the swing of things here at Fashionista Vet, here are TWO outfits.  The first one is actually from this past summer, one of the last outfits I managed to snap a photo of before the cold came, and the second is an outfit I recently put together.


What I'm Wearing:
Shirt: Thrifted (no tag) |  Jeans:  Grane  |  Necklace:  Hand-me-down from friend |  Shoes:  Dr. Scholl's (DSW)




What I'm Wearing:
Striped shirt: Max Studio |  Sweater:  John Fashion Sweater (Stein Mart)  |   Belt:  Thrifted  |  Necklace:  Present from mom
Leggings:  Poof!  |   Boots:  Simply Vera

As you can see, my hair is now a different color.  I decided to try something new and go red (although it doesn't look very red in these photos).  Nothing like a new hair color to make you feel like a new person!

Anyhoo, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  My family had a super crazy get-together, involving an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest, battle shots, and finally a small fire in the dining room.  It was eventful, to say the least!  
But more about that later, perhaps. ;)

Glad to be back, folks.

(And hi, Kelley.)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ridiculous and colorful

Today I am in an utterly ridiculous mood.


Eating a plant?


Oh my's HOT outside!!!

What I'm Wearing:
Dress: Victoria's Secret (thrifted) |  Tank Top:  Angel City, local boutique  |  Sandals:  Easy Spirit, DSW  |  Earrings:  TLC Creations  |  Necklace: Gift from friend  |  Sunglasses:  Gucci knock-offs

I do enjoy sleeveless dresses...but I do NOT enjoy the perils that go with wearing sleeveless dresses, as a lady with...erm, shall we say, NOT much going for her "up there."  So to make myself feel better (as well as to avoid any unfortunate wardrobe malfunctions), I like to pair sleeveless dresses with cute tank tops.  That way I'm not constantly worried about giving everyone a free show (if you know what I mean)!  Although it may not be the MOST fashionable, comfort is my number one priority.

Tomorrow I'm headed up north to spend the week with my family and to attend my cousin's wedding.  Unlike this past week, in which I had copious amounts of time to update, I probably won't be posting much.  Hopefully I'll get some good shots of my dress at the wedding - I am still super excited about the dress I am wearing, which I found ON SALE at Marshall's!

And of course, the kitties will be coming with me.  Luckily, they're actually pretty good in the car...
Now if only they'd behave so well at home! :)

Dude, why are you laying next to the oncology book?  Step AWAY from the onco book!   #superstitiousmom

Linking Up: 
  Thrifters Anonymous

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pastel pleats, take 2

Remember this skirt?


It has been sitting in my wardrobe taunting me to find something better to go with it.  I ultimately decided that I didn't care for the look I pulled together back in March, so tackled it once again today.  This time I opted to go with a skinny belt and plain tank-top, and then "blinged it out" with two different necklaces.  Here's the result:  (Along the way, I also discovered that I have been in a very serious mood for my photos these days...)


Super serious.  My eyes can peer into your souuuuuuul.  Mwuahahaha.


The ONLY picture on my camera in which I am smiling.  See?  I'm a happy girl!

What I'm Wearing: 
Skirt: Vintage (thrifted) |  Tank Top: St. John's Bay (JC Penny) |  Jewelry:  Necklaces and bracelet are vintage hand-me-downs from my grandma  |  Shoes: Tahari (DSW, shop here)  |  Belt: Thrifted  |  Sunglasses: Gucci knock-offs (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Overall, I like this look much more than March's look.  I am also thoroughly obsessed with these new shoes, since they seem to go with anything and everything.  Hooray for neutral wedges!

Yesterday I finally made it to the salon for a haircut.  I had an inch and a half taken off, and am just thrilled to have HEALTHY hair again.  There's nothing quite like a haircut to perk up a girl's spirits!

Today is August 1st, which means it's time for a new VETERINARY CAUSE OF THE MONTH!  Aren't you excited?  This month is...(drumroll please)...
 National Immunization Awareness Month!

The purpose of vaccines is to PREVENT DISEASE.  There are many viruses that dogs and cats can be exposed to that can be dangerous, if not deadly!  When kittens and puppies are born, their immune systems are considered naive.  That is, they have never been exposed to any bacteria or viruses, so their bodies have developed no defense mechanisms to fight them off.  Mom's milk provides some protection against the "bugs" they may be exposed to, but this immunity starts to disappear at 5 to 6 weeks of age.  This is why it's so important to bring your puppy or kitten to the veterinarian to start vaccinations!

Your veterinarian will develop a vaccination program that fits your pet's lifestyle and exposure risk.  Not every animal needs every single vaccine, so your vet will ask you a series of questions to determine what your pet needs.  Now that I've started seeing clients and treating animals, the importance of vaccines has become even MORE evident to me.  You can't imagine how frustrating it is when I see a puppy dying of Parvovirus, when it could have been prevented with a simple vaccine!

So don't wait...vaccinate!
Learn more about vaccination by watching this short video:

Linking Up:
- What I Wore Wednesday @ The Pleated Poppy
- Whatever Whenever Wednesday @ Rolled Up Pretty

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunny days and 80's skirts




What I'm Wearing:
Shirt:  Mine (Marshall's)  |  Skirt: Vintage Petite Illustrations (thrifted)  |  Shoes:  Tahari (DSW, shop here)  |  Earrings:  TLC Creations  |  Sunglasses:  Gucci knock-offs (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)  |  Necklace: Gift

This was another skirt I found at the thrift store that I carried around with me for awhile before ultimately deciding to buy.  I couldn't decide whether or not it was a bit TOO dated!  In the end though, I thought I'd give it a try.  This is the first time I've worn it, and I have to say...I kind of like the look!  After all, pleats are in, right?

(By the way, I really need to take pictures BEFORE the sun hits my makes it a bit challenging to get good shots of my outfit.  Sorry, readers!)

Just so ya'll know, I was totally rocking the side braid WAY before Katniss Everdeen came along. ;)  It has truly become my "go-to" hairstyle on days I just don't have the energy to blow-dry my hair.  Which reminds me, my cousin's wedding is coming up on August 11th and I am in desperate need of a haircut.  I decided to try trimming my bangs on my own last week and...well...they need help.  It's just such a PAIN stopping at the hair salon for a bang trim!  Sometimes trimming them on my own works out, but other times...not so much.   So it's off to the salon I go.

Yesterday a grand total of ZERO research work was accomplished.  It's time to buckle down and WORK! Does anyone have any motivation I could borrow?

Abby says "hello" while performing her best turtle-stuck-on-its-back impersonation.

Linking Up:

Monday, July 30, 2012

Leather shorts have I not.

Today is MONDAY, which means my return to the blog-o-sphere is JUST in time for Two Birds' Inspiration Monday!  This week's challenge is a doozy, featuring the lovely Miss Ashlee Simpson in red (LEATHER) shorts, a flowing blouse, and boots.  She can rock this look like no what's a girl like me to do?
Ashlee Simpson, being awesome.
As I mentioned in my last post...I hate shorts.  Consequently I own precious few, and I DEFINITELY don't own any RED shorts.  So today I opted for my favorite pair of shorts (which featured in yesterday's post, unfortunately) and a loose blouse, figuring I could at least stick with the blouse+shorts theme.  And of course, as a hats-off to Miss Simpson, I untucked one side of the blouse. ;)



What I'm Wearing:
Blouse:  Anne Klein 2 (thrifted)  |  Shorts: Lee "One True Fit" (thrifted) |  Belt: Thrifted  |  Boots: Tractor Supply Company  |  Glasses:  Gucci knock-offs (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)  |  Necklace: Gift

Ashlee's outfit has the whole "night out on the town" vibe going on.  Mine is a bit more laid back... Maybe it's time to go shopping for a pair of red shorts?  DARE I try to pull off THAT look?  Hm.

Today kicks off my first day of "vacay", and I will be spending it working on my research project from my trip last summer to Thailand.  It's hard to believe that last year, at this time, I was exploring Chiang Mai...

I miss Thailand.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

All that glitters is not gold. Also scrubs are getting old.




What I'm Wearing:
Shirt:  Yellow Button (thrifted)  |  Shorts:  Lee "One True Fit" (thrifted)  |  Belt:  Chiang Mai, Thailand Walking Street  |  Necklace:  Myrtle Beach Silver Shop  |  Sunglasses:  Gucci knock-offs (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia street vendor)  |  Shoes:  Dr. Scholl's (DSW)  |  Earrings: TLC Creations

Hello my poor neglected fashion blog...remember me?  Clinics have literally taken over my life, leaving me little time to do "real person" things like eating, sleeping, and (alas) blogging.  Some rotations have been better than others, but overall I am enjoying the experience and learning SO much!  These days I am mostly in scrubs, and since I work from sun-up to sundown (literally) I usually go from scrubs to shower to bed.  Not a pretty life for this wannabe-fashionista!

Thankfully I am now on a two week, much-needed vacation!  So I thought, what better way to kick-off my break than to update my little corner on the web?  So here I am!

What's on my mind today?  Well, quite a few things actually...

1)  I have a confession to make:  I hate shorts.  I hate shorts because I hate my legs.  So the fact that I wore shorts today, AND posted pictures on the internet for the world to see, is something of a miracle.  It probably won't happen again peeps, so this is it: proof that I own shorts and do occasionally wear them.

2)  The fashion magazines these days are telling us that ÃœBER straight hair is in this summer.  Unfortunately I have naturally wavy hair that is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to straighten, particularly in the summer!  So this is one fashion trend I'm going to have to sit out...

3)  Shakespeare is pretty awesome...and Shakespeare outside is even awesome-er (HUZZAH for making up words!).  Last evening, some friends and I attended a local performance of "The Merchant of Venice" outside, under the stars, on blankets and pillows, with picnic food in hand.  This was one Shakespeare play I was unfamiliar with, and I must say...I really enjoyed it!

"All that glitters is not gold..."

4)  My cat is adorable.  Just sayin'.

5)  I'm currently waiting for my apricot chicken to finish cooking (recipe from Six Sisters' Stuff) and thinking about how much my closet needs organized.  It is SCARY in there!!

That's it for now!  Hopefully my next update will be sooner rather than later...I miss blogging so much!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The loss of a beloved pair of jeans.

Hello my friends!

I bet you thought I fell off a cliff and disappeared for good, huh?  Close, but not entirely accurate!  I was in fact out in the middle of the boondocks for the past two weeks for my large animal medicine rotation.  I didn't realize this would mean little to no internet access for the entire duration of the rotation, or else I would have given ya'll the heads up!  But now I've rejoined civilization and look forward to more regular updates.



What I'm Wearing:
Shirt : Vintage (thrifted hand-me-down from sister) |  Jeans: Calvin Klein (thrifted)  |  Belt: Chiang Mai, Thailand Walking Street  |  Necklace: Don Drumm Studios   Boots:  Tractor Supply Company 

This was my outfit of choice for catching up on chores around the house and running an errand or two this past Sunday - my absolute FAVORITE pair of jeans in the whole universe and a vintage peasant blouse.  Tragically, later that evening, I accidentally ripped a gigantic hole right in the knee region of one of my pant legs!  I am absolutely devastated because these are seriously the most comfortable pair of jeans I own.  RIP, dear Calvin Klein jeans!

I just started my shelter medicine and surgery rotation, which means my days will be filled with lots of spay and neuter surgeries.  It will be an absolute MIRACLE if I can make it out of this rotation without adopting another cat or dog!  Dear God, please give me the strength to say no...

Tomorrow I get to perform my first spay as primary surgeon.  I am a little freaked out, but very excited!  Wish me luck! :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pencil skirts and heartworms

It's that time again...Inspiration Monday at Two Birds!  This week's photo features Louise Roe in a sweater and pencil skirt combo.  I admit, I actually googled Louise Roe because I wasn't sure who she was.  Fashion journalist, model, television host...this lovely lady wears many hats!  Anyway, here's the pic:

And here is my take on Louise's look:




What I'm Wearing:
Shirt: Charlotte Russe (thrifted) |  Belt: Francesca's Collections  |  Skirt: American Eagle (thrifted)  |  Shoes:  Nine West (thrifted)  |  Purse: Jule   |  Sunglasses:  Gucci knock-offs (from my trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


The temperature climbed back up into the 70's, so it was WAY too warm to wear a long-sleeved sweater like Louise.  I was actually quite happy with the way these items pulled together - I've had this skirt for a really long time and never worn it, primarily because I've never been happy with any shirt I tried pairing it with.  Yay for Inspiration Monday victories!

Can you believe it's April already?  March usually crawls by, but this year it seemed to pass SO quickly!  A new month means a new VETERINARY CAUSE OF THE MONTH.   April is...drumroll please...

National Heartworm Awareness Month!
Heartworm is a potentially devastating parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes to both dogs AND cats.  The good news is that this disease can easily be prevented by administering once-monthly year round medication to your dog or cat.  

Every state in the USA has heartworms, so no cat or dog is safe from this parasite without heartworm medication:

Heartworm PREVENTION is extremely important because this disease is often fatal, even with treatment!  For years folks thought that only dogs get heartworm, but we now know that this isn't true.  While rare, there have been many cases of cats contracting heartworm disease.  Now there are medications for cats, too (such as Revolution) to prevent this from occurring.

Many veterinary clinics run specials this month to encourage you to bring your dog or cat in for testing.  Many dogs and cats who get heartworm do not show clinical signs until it is too late, so yearly screening is really important!  Call your veterinarian today to make your appointment for a screening test, and be sure to ask for more information to make sure your pet is protected.  Your pets will thank you for it!

If you have a cat or dog, please take a moment to watch this short 2 minute video about heartworms:

Learn more:
Click here to learn about heartworms in dogs.
Click here to learn about heartworms in cats.

Linking up to:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Caffeine crash


Hair: Gibson Tuck (instructions here)

What I'm Wearing:
Shirt:  Halogen (thrifted) |  Skirt & Belt:  Bill Blass New York (thrifted)  |  Cardigan:  Ann Taylor Loft (thrifted)  |  Shoes:  Nine West (thrifted)

Experimenting once again with the belt-over-cardigan look.  (Also my bangs need cut-like-whoah, but I'm too chicken to try myself.)  I'm SO glad I left some cardigans in my closet when I put away my winter clothes last week, because it's downright CHILLY out there!'s rainy and cold, and my back is just about broken from fighting with horses this past week.  Human beings were NOT meant to hold up horses!  I'm just amazed though that my first week of clinics is already over...and SOMEHOW I survived!  Yippee!  If this past week is any indication, then my clinical year of veterinary school is going to FLY by.  I'm not sure how I feel about that, because that means all too soon I'll have to start job hunting...

What a strange concept... getting PAID to work!  I wonder what that will be like?  Heh.

This morning I went to a "coffee roast" event held by local coffee brewers downtown.  For a $5 entry fee you could go from booth to booth sampling as much coffee and espresso as you desired.  It was really fun and delicious, but now I'm experiencing a sort of caffeine crash.  I'm going out with some friends tonight, so I think I'll be an old lady and lay down for a nap this afternoon.  Judge me if you will, but I do so love a good afternoon nap!

Hope you all are having a FANTASTIC Saturday, my dears!

Linking up to:
Thrifters Anonymous

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pastel pleats

I'm stuck inside, again, so bear with me folks...




What I'm Wearing:
Shirt: Isabella Rodriguez (via TJ Max)  |  Skirt: Vintage  |  Shoes:  Nine West (thrifted)  |  Belt: Francesca's Collections

I carried this skirt around with me at the thrift store for a good hour before I finally decided to buy it.  It was only 99 cents, so I figured I didn't have a whole lot to lose if I couldn't figure out how to style it.  I've been desperate to find a pleated skirt since I've since I've seen so many fashion bloggers pulling them off so nicely,  and when I stumbled upon this one I just had to buy it.  Unfortunately though...the pattern...well...

Okay, I'll just say it: I don't like this pattern.  Not really at all.

But I like a good challenge just like the next fashion blogger, and for 99 cents decided to say, "GAME ON."

This was actually the third top I tried pairing with this skirt, and I liked this look the best.  Yet in the end, I'm still not sure I love it.  Maybe keep trying?  What do you think - pitch it, or try again?

In other news, day 3 of equine clinics was a blast.  I just love working with horses, and there's nothing like spending the day outside in a barn to raise your spirits!  :)

Linking up to:
pleated poppy