Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Easy as life.

Oh my.

So much has happened since my last post, I'm not even sure where to begin.  I'm in the middle of one of THOSE periods in life... You know. A time when pretty much everything changes.  In the whirlwind of these past few months I've hardly had time to breathe, much less update.  Which is sad, because I SO love this blog and the community of bloggers I've met through it!

But that's the great thing about the internet, yes?  That I can always return, and this little corner of the internet will always be mine to shape and create?  So hello there.


1)  I graduated in May.  Dream achieved.  I'M A VETERINARIAN!!!!!!!!!

2)  After graduating, I spent a week in Cancun, Mexico celebrating it up with my sister.  In our case, that meant lots of time sitting on the beach, reading.  In the shade. Because we both burn in the sun.

We also zip-lined, which was AWESOME, and TERRIFYING, and DID I MENTION AWESOME?

Yep. Awesome.

3) After Cancun, it was time to pack up my apartment and move back to my hometown.  This meant a lot of heart wrenching good-byes, as I had to farewell so many incredible friends.  I mean, how often do you find an incredible group of people who not only accept you unconditionally, but also throw awesome spy-themed birthday parties?

You may call me Dr. Black Widow
Yeah. I miss them like whoah.

4) Moving back to my hometown meant moving back in with my parents. Which means I have new roommates.
Jack (left) and Sir Brighton (right)
They're kind of adorable.
My cats are less than thrilled about the move, especially since Brighton really does NOT get along with them.  I, however, try to make it up to them every chance I get.  So if you see a crazy lady out walking a cat, don't worry about it. It's probably me.

My feline overlord is well-pleased.

5)  I started my new job at a small animal veterinary hospital in June...and I've loved pretty much every second of it. <3

6)  Oh yeah. I also bought a house.  Closing is in three weeks, and I'm super-incredibly-extremely stressed out about it. But how blessed am I, seriously?!

Between graduating, moving, starting a new job, and buying a house...I've been a little busy.  So what's new in YOUR life? :)

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